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Women On Board Cruising eBook

Blog Reader’s SPECIAL on Both Books

$29.95 for Both Paperback Books

When the Water Calls… We Follow and Women On Board Cruising

(Regularly $44.90 for both books)

Blog Reader's Special

Included in the Blog Reader’s Special… A few months into their first Great Loop trip Traverse City residents, Jim and Lisa Favors, thought that a book by a group of boaters who were willing to share their personal perspectives about their own “Loop” would be a valuable tool for those either considering this trip or just plain curious about it. This book (edited and published by the Favors), When the Water Calls… We Follow, is a good read for anyone considering leaving the comforts of home to take off on an adventure of any kind.

The entertaining stories shared within this book would be of great interest to anyone who has ever pondered a radical lifestyle change whether it is on a boat, RV or other means of transportation. This is a useful vehicle for people either considering this trip, or just curious about it, to have a better sense of what a journey like this can entail in an untouchable sense. In the Favors’ opinion, the Great Loop Adventure is more about the day-to-day journey, relationships, communing with nature, and most definitely not about the final destination or even the itinerary. If embarked upon, this trip would enhance and enrich the lives of anyone who has a taste for adventure, and a heart ripe for surprises, both large and small.

Christopher Shustak (above) When the Water Calls… We Follow
Charlotte Snider (below) Women On Board Cruising

Blog Reader's Special

Included in the Blog Reader’s Special… Twenty-five seasoned women boaters including editor, and long-distance cruiser, Lisa Targal Favors of Traverse City, are sharing the trials and tribulations of life aboard in the newly released book, Women On Board Cruising. Conceptualized, edited and published by Ms. Favors, the book is designed to inspire and inform women and their significant others who are planning on – or just considering – spending an extended period of time on the water.

The contributors humorously recount their very personal experiences and openly share life lessons learned about this little-known lifestyle. Several women tell their story with a rare, revealing vulnerability. Not all initially welcomed the thought of life within the confines of a boat but were cajoled by partners who had a greater desire and competence for this type of adventure. From doing the “Loop” (a boat trip circumnavigating the Eastern United States from the heartland rivers to the North Atlantic seaboard and Great Lakes) to sailing around the world, their stories are sure to warm the hearts of male and female readers alike.


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